Streaming Online Yoga Classes

Price On Call


Mode of Delivery : Online
Level : No experience required
Start Date: : August 30, 2020
End Date: : December 31, 2022
Company URL : View website
Company Name : Gurukul Yoga
Course Details URL : View website
Trainer Experience : 5 years
Location : New Delhi

I entered in yoga during my school time when I was in 8th grade, where I participated in a state-level yoga competition for the time and got 2nd position in it. It is almost 10 years now and I have been teaching professionally since 2015 where I treat a lot of patients like migration, depression, slip discs, sciatica, blood pressure, diabetes, flexibility, fat problems, heart patients, Pcod, Home, lungs problem, brain hemorrhage, constipation, breathing difficulties, anxiety, cholesterol problem, blood pressure, flexibility, etc.

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  4. You may redirect to third party, please be aware.

  5. we will not ask you to meet or treat you.

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