Crystal Reports with SAP BO Training at FuturePoint

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Mode of Delivery : Online
Level : Advanced
Company URL : View website
Company Name : FuturePoint Technologies
Course Details URL : View website
Trainer Experience : 0
Location : Plot No:60, 2nd Floor ,Western Hills,

Crystal Reports Basic: Fundamentals of Report Design

Planning a Report

Define database concepts

Plan and develop a reported prototype

Creating a Report

Create a report

Add tables

Describe the design environment

Insert objects on a report

Preview a report

Save a report

Position and size of objects

Format objects

Selecting Records

Define the Select Expert

Determine the criteria for record selection

Understanding saved and refreshed data

Apply record selection

Apply additional record selection criteria

Modify record selection

Apply time-based record selection

Organizing Data on a Report

Sort records

Group records

summarize data

Formatting a Report

Add graphical elements

Combine text objects with database

Apply specialized formatting

Insert with pre-built functions

Applying Section Formatting

Format sections

Create a summary report

•Creating Basic Formulas

Define a formula and its purpose

Create formulas

Apply Boolean formulas

Apply If-Then-Else formulas

Apply date calculations

Apply number calculations

Apply string manipulation

Applying Conditional Reporting

Determine trends in data

Format data conditionally

Representing Data Visually

Create a chart

Distributing a Report

Export a report

Save a report to BusinessObjects Enterprise

Crystal Reports – Business Reporting Solutions

Using the Repository

Use the repository

Create a report repository data source

Creating Formulas

Use functions and operators

Define control structures available in Crystal Reports Syntax

Managing Reports

Use the Workbench

Publish reports to BusinessObjects Enterprise

Using Variables and Arrays

Use variables

Use arrays

Using Report Templates

Apply report templates

Build a template without a data source

Remove a template

Building Parameterized Reports

Define and create parameters

Build a report with multiple parameters

Use edit masks and descriptions

Create a date range parameter

Group using parameters

Summarizing Data with Crosstabs

Build a basic crosstab

Format a crosstab

Using Report Sections

Use sections

Use group related functions to sections

Use section underlay

Use multiple-column reporting

Building Specialized Reports

Use the Running Total Expert

Create a form letter

Add a hyperlink to a report

Use Dynamic Graphic Locations

Build a report with alerts

Build a top N report

oIntegrate an Xcelsius SWF into a Crystal report

c) Crystal Reports: Report processing strategies:

•Report Processing

Use multi-pass reporting

Use evaluation time functions

Use a dynamic array

Using Subreports

Define subreports

oCreate an unlinked subreport

oCreate a linked subreport

oCreate an on-demand subreport

oUse shared variables with subreports

oLink “unlinkable” data with subreports

oDescribe alternate solutions to using subreports

•Creating Complex Formulas

oUse Print State functions

oUse loop control structures

oUse loop control structures with arrays

•Using Custom Functions

oDescribe a custom function

oUse custom functions

•Using XML and Web Services Data

oUse XML and web services data

oUse a transform in XML exporting

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