Microsoft Dynamics AX Functional Training

$ 350



Mode of Delivery : Online
Level : Beginner
Trainer Experience : 10 Years
Location : Near Prime hospital line,Hyderabad

1. Installation and Deployment• Microsoft Dynamic CRM Overview• Different types of Deployment (Online, On-Premise and Partner Hosted)• Hardware and Software Requirements• Installation of Dynamics CRM• Installation and Configuration of Email Router• Deployment Manager• Reporting Configuration• Organization Import and database Restore• Upgrade lower version to Higher Version• Database Structure• Language pack Installation

2. Customization and Configuration Topics Covered• Entity Creation and Meta Data• Creation (Includes all out-of-the-box )• Form Customizations (Multiple Forms, Role-based Forms, Quick View Quick Create Form,• Mobile Form and Tablet Form)• Relation Ships (1:N,N:N and N:N) and behaviors• Sub Grids• Lookup Filtration• Web Resource (HTML, Image etc.)• IFrames• View Customization (System Views, Personal Views)• Dashboard and Charts• level Security• Calculated• Rollup• Hierarchy View• Data Management (Import, Export, Reimport, Bulk record deletion)• Auditing• Templates (Email Templates)• Goal Management• Queue Management• Security (Users,Teams,BusinessUnits,Roles,Hiararchy )• Timer Controls

3. Integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM• MS CRM SDK (MS CRM Architecture, Assemblies, CRM Application Framework, WCF Web Service)• SSRS Integration with MS CRM• Asp. Net Integration with MS CRM• CURD Operations• Query Expressions• XML• Query by Attribute• SharePoint Integration with MS CRM• Outlook Offline Client Integration with MS CRM• SSIS Integration with MS CRM• 3rdParty Integration with MS CRM• Data Migration with MS CRM

4. Advanced technical-Extending CRM• Pluginso MS CRM Plugin Architectureo Developmento Registrationo Debuggingo Shared Variableso Imageso Plugin Messageso Impersonationo Plugin Constructorso Offline Pluginso Plugin Execution Ordero Handling Exceptionso Synchronous vs Asynchronous• Workflowso Understanding Workflow Basicso Understanding the trigger options with RT workflowo Workflow Actionso Real-Time Workflowso Asynchronous Workflowso Child Workflowso On-Demand Workflowso Custom Workflowso Recursive Workflowso Waiting Conditionso Extending Workflows with Code• Dialog• Business Process• Actions• JavaScript• Advanced JavaScript• Business Rules• Ribbon Customizations• Site Map Customizations• Solution Management

5. Pre-requisites• Customer Care Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 from Microsoft marketplace.• MicrosoftDynamicsCRM2013UII.exe which can be downloaded along with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Software     Development Kit (SDK).• The following are the prerequisites to install on the CCA desktop agent.• .NET Framework 4.0• Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)

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G S Srinivasarao
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