Free Online Training & Placement Opportunities Nationwide with H1 Sponsorship



Mode of Delivery : Online
Level : No experience required
Company URL : View website
Company Name : Strategic Resources International Inc
Location : 777 Washington Rd, Suite 2, Parlin, NJ 08859

Strategic Resources International, Inc. (SRI) is an E-Verified company based in Parlin, New Jersey. We are a global IT company with over a decade of expertise in providing software development and consulting services.

We are providing Free Online Training & Placement Opportunity for all Technologies, and within 4-5 weeks we can place you in a project


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  1. Beware of unrealistic offers.

  2. will not ask for cash transactions. 

  3. we will not ask for Bank/Credit Card details.

  4. You may redirect to third party, please be aware.

  5. we will not ask you to meet or treat you.

     For more details, please visit FAQ's and Safety tips


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